The Hope Approach: Cognitive and Developmental Therapy Plus Early Intervention
All children need love and abundant stimulation for healthy emotional, cognitive and physical development. Children within the Autism Spectrum need this love and abundant stimulation with an intensity that surpasses the norm and comes in a 24/7 time frame. Parents of these children know the exhaustion that comes from providing for a child that is seemingly stalled out in the world of autism. But, there is hope where there is love!
The Hope Approach for children with Autism or Aspergers is three fold with increased intensity of interactions based in a cognitive developmental method. Expectation of development, understanding and eye contact is rewarded by the very stimulation that the child seeks. Stimulation -- be it by touch, sound or movement -- can begin to bring the child into the world beyond the seemingly shutdown, withdrawn world of Autism. One-on-one work in a bonded relationship provides the trust that is vital for the child to be willing to explore the world around him.
Autism Therapy & Hope |
The Hope Approach: Interpreter, Advocate Protector & 3-Fold Therapy
An "Interpreter" -- often a parent -- holds the trust-key to opening the doors for growth, development and progress toward more "normal" behaviors. But, the Interpreter is not a guarantee for outward success. Children can regress, withdraw and shut down when "normal" life becomes too challenging. That is why the Interpreter has to also either find or be a strong "Advocate Protector." It is an enormous task to be both the Interpreter and the Advocate Protector. Seeking an educator, counselor or legal representative to take on the role of Advocate Protector is the best route so that the Interpreter can stay focused explaining life and all its complexities to the developing child within Autism Spectrum.
The 3-Fold Hope Approach takes the Interpreter and the Child into a developmental, cognitive based therapy involving speech, occupational and physical therapists.
Speech Therapy Speech Therapy can not begin too early. Parents are the first key to language development. Expectation of clear, slow speech is the beginning. Just because a child does not mimic your words does not mean that you quit talking. Talk, Talk, Talk. Language itself is the key. Repetition. Demonstration. Illustration. Talk, Talk, Talk -- no matter what -- talk to your child slowly and continually about the world around them. Speech will help to draw them into your world. A good Speech Therapist will help demonstrate to parents and siblings the necessary tasks they can do in the home to encourage better communication development. It's a 24/7 therapy!
| Occupational Therapy Effective
Occupational Therapy instructs the Parent Interpreter and the child
with Autism. Occupational Therapy goals are directed to the teaching of
daily living skills. Like any child, teaching and repetition is
necessary for skills to be learned. However, the child with Autism
needs multitudes of repetition and life mapping in order to put life
skills together. Occupational Therapy is most effective if the
therapist understands and develops a sensory integration program.
Sensory Integration is the vital 24/7 component for the child in the
Autism Spectrum to feel, understand and accept the world around him. A Very Helpful Link:
| Physical Therapy Physical therapy enables a child to develop mobility skills. Muscle development and coordination do not come naturally for most children in the Autism Spectrum. Clumsiness creates social situations where the child's performance is a debiliating component in peer interactions and acceptance. A good physical therapist will also know and incorporate sensory integration concerns into the therapy plan. Physical therapist need to require language, follow-through and eye contact in creating situations for total learning. A good physical therapist becomes a personal coach for the child and the entire family. Therapy 24/7 that can build better performance and self-esteem.
The Hope Approach: Advocacy, Nutrition & Counseling
Contact your child's physician, local Autism parents' support group or your local Yellow Page directory to find these 3 therapy listings in your community. Advocate for your child. Expect to receive a referral from your physician to have your child evaluated in these vital areas where therapy can make such an important contribution. Your child has unlimited potential to grow and mature in areas that only the Hope Approach can offer. Do not settle for less -- your child has opportunities to improve with sensory integration and stimulation by trained therapists to assist you in knowing and providing that necessary 24/7 interaction. Your child has possibilities. You and your team of therapists and family supporters can work together to find what best works for your child. Do not give up!
There is much to learn about nutrition and the effective use of proper diet which may help to bring your child into a more functional world.
Counseling for your child and your family is a stabilizing component for unity and ongoing hope throughout the process of reclaiming your child. Appreciation for each day and the child you have each day -- in whatever the child's condition -- peace comes from understanding the path of this life and the great need we have for one another. Find peace through understanding and acceptance of the struggles that add greater meaning to life itself. There is much good to be found as we learn to love unconditionally. These children come to live and learn just like all of us -- but perhaps even more, they come to teach us to slow down and appreciate the simple things in life.
Love is the basis for the Hope Approach = Unconditional Love.
Contact: Sand Castles, Inc. @ 785-832-2345
Copyright 2007, 2009 by Sand Castles, Inc. All rights reserved. Trademark for "Hope Approach" pending